Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19th...Beans, Corn (again), and Strawberries (again)

This is my second year growing's one of my favorites.

I planted corn about 3 weeks ago...very few seeds sprouted.  I planted more on Friday (June 19, 2011).  According to the label of these seeds, they will be mature in 72 days.  That's about the time that we will have family in town for Bayli's baptism and Brigham's blessing...hopefully they will grow delicious ears for everyone to enjoy!

A big thanks to Carol, Heather, Bayli and Kathi for helping me pull wees on Friday evening!

My test of Mirale Gro didn't go so well.  One of my two original strawberry plants burned...the other is barely hanging on (see below).   This is one of two more plants that I put in the ground on Saturday. 

Green Tomatoes

Hills of potatos

More hills of potatos

Planted beans on Saturday

Tomato Row

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18th...Potato Box

A couple of years ago a friend told me that you could build a box and plant potatos in a box and grow them vertically.  As such  it takes up less horizontal space in a garden.  Finally I'm giving it a shot. 

I decided that instead of a box, all I would do is drive some stakes in the ground and wrap some old chicken wire
around the stakes. 

There's probably 4-6 potato plants in here...already very tall.  I hope it's not too late to do this.

Posts in, chicken wire in place, and more dirt on top of the growing plant. 

Before the dirt.
After the dirt.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4th...First Harvest and Patchy Grass

First Harvest of the year was this spinach...we put it on
 the burgers and had a spinachsalad too.

Hills of potatos

Corn coming up! There's only about six plants so far,
I hope that more come in soon.

The backyard has a few of these patchy spots.
These are the worst of them. 

Patchy grass...makes me sooo mad!

My first plan is to put down a little bit of top soil and
then plant some grass seed.